“Enhance Your Disaster Recovery Plan with AWS MGN Upgrade – Simplify DR Configuration, Migrate from CentOS to Rocky Linux, and Optimize SUSE Linux Subscription – Insights from AWS Blog”

“Enhance Your Disaster Recovery Plan with AWS MGN Upgrade – Simplify DR Configuration, Migrate from CentOS to Rocky Linux, and Optimize SUSE Linux Subscription – Insights from AWS Blog”

“Migrate with Ease: A Guide to Using AWS Application Migration Service and Post-Launch Actions”

Revolutionize Your Migrations with AWS Application Migration Service and Post-Launch Actions!
Discover the secrets to effortless server migrations with AWS MGN and its all-new post-launch actions. This powerful service automates the entire process, from replicating servers to converting them to run natively on AWS. Plus, with agentless replication and support for multiple versions of Windows and Linux, you’ll never have to worry about manual processes again.
Don’t Just Migrate, Modernize Your Infrastructure!
Supercharge your migrations with post-launch actions that provide additional support and modernization options for your servers. Install the Systems Manager agent, configure disaster recovery, and even convert CentOS and SUSE Linux distributions for seamless transitions to AWS.
Take Control with Customizable Post-Launch Settings
Get started with the click of a button and easily configure your post-launch actions on both test and cutover instances. With flexible options and a user-friendly interface, you’ll have complete control over your migrations. Plus, any errors will be logged for easy troubleshooting.
Ready to Revolutionize Your Migrations?
Experience the power and ease of AWS MGN’s post-launch actions today. Available in all regions and with affordable pricing options, you can start migrating without any hassle. Don’t wait, simplify your migrations and modernize your infrastructure with AWS Application Migration Service.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMihQFodHRwczovL2F3cy5hbWF6b24uY29tL2Jsb2dzL2F3cy9hd3MtbWduLXVwZGF0ZS1jb25maWd1cmUtZHItY29udmVydC1jZW50b3MtbGludXgtdG8tcm9ja3ktbGludXgtYW5kLWNvbnZlcnQtc3VzZS1saW51eC1zdWJzY3JpcHRpb24v0gEA?oc=5