“American student reportedly developing unique Gentoo Linux distribution for ISIS – ZDNet”

“American student reportedly developing unique Gentoo Linux distribution for ISIS – ZDNet”

“20-Year-Old Chicago Student Charged with Supporting ISIS and Creating Custom Linux Distro”
“Uncovering Terrorism: Chicago Student’s Secret Plan to Spread ISIS Propaganda”
“From Chicago to ISIS: How One Student’s Programming Skills Supported Terrorism”
“Breaking News: FBI Foils 20-Year-Old’s Plan to Create Linux Distro for ISIS Propaganda”
“Unveiling the Truth: The Connection Between a Chicago Student and ISIS Propaganda”
“Uncovering the Plot: Chicago Student’s Shocking Plan to Help ISIS Spread Propaganda”
“How One Student’s Programming Skills Could Have Helped ISIS Spread Propaganda”
“From Linux to Terrorism: Student’s Disturbing Role in Supporting ISIS Propaganda”
“Behind Bars: Chicago Student Faces 20 Years for Aiding ISIS with Custom Linux Distro”
“The Dark Side of Technology: Chicago Student’s Link to ISIS Propaganda”
“30 Years of Linux History: Uncovering the Controversial Connection to Terrorism”

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiZmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnpkbmV0LmNvbS9hcnRpY2xlL3VzLXN0dWRlbnQtd2FzLWFsbGVnZWRseS1idWlsZGluZy1hLWN1c3RvbS1nZW50b28tbGludXgtZGlzdHJvLWZvci1pc2lzL9IBAA?oc=5