“Exciting News: BetaNews Releases Latest Downloadable Version of Debian-Based MX Linux — Version 23.1”

“Exciting News: BetaNews Releases Latest Downloadable Version of Debian-Based MX Linux — Version 23.1”

Are you tired of Mondays? Same here. But don’t despair, because there’s some exciting news in the Linux world on this dreaded day. MX-23.1, the latest update in the MX-23 series, has just been released, and it’s definitely worth talking about.

This newest version of the operating system brings a host of fixes, new features, and updates to applications, providing a smoother and more refined experience for users. And the best part? If you already have MX-23, there’s no need to go through the hassle of reinstalling everything. The new packages can be easily accessed through the usual update channels, making the process a breeze.

One of the major changes in MX-23.1 is the shift to the reliable Debian 12.2 “bookworm” base. This not only promises increased stability but also brings a range of new and updated applications for users to explore and utilize.

So, what can you expect from this latest update? Here are some notable highlights:

– The installer has been revamped to address issues related to swapfile management, hibernation, and OEM installations. The developers are clearly paying attention to the finer details to improve the overall setup process.
– For those using the KDE version, a new sddm init script has been introduced, making the boot process smoother.
– The AHS Xfce release has received some love as well, with the updated 6.5 kernel, refreshed firmware, and mesa libraries. These updates are sure to enhance the user experience and reliability.
– Fluxbox users will be happy to find a new keybinding reference script, making it easier to learn and use hotkeys from the beginning.

But that’s not all – both the main Xfce and fluxbox versions have been updated to the latest 6.1 kernel, and the AHS version now features the 6.5 kernel. These updates demonstrate the continuous efforts to keep MX-23.1 up-to-date with the latest technology, ensuring smooth performance and security.

With a mix of new features, application updates, and bug fixes, MX-23.1 is a solid update that showcases the developers’ commitment to constantly improving the system with each release. For both new and experienced Linux users, this makes the already robust MX-23 environment even more enticing. Download it now and see for yourself!

Image credit: pkirillov/depositphotos.com

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiVmh0dHBzOi8vYmV0YW5ld3MuY29tLzIwMjMvMTAvMTYvZGViaWFuLWJhc2VkLW14LWxpbnV4LTIzLTEtbm93LWF2YWlsYWJsZS1mb3ItZG93bmxvYWQv0gEA?oc=5