20 thoughts on “FANTASTIC FOUR Alternate Universe Revealed! HUGE Clue You Missed & Silver Surfer Update!

  1. in reference to how THIS F4 could’ve existed in the 616 universe:
    theoretically, they don’t have to be mentioned to exist. we don’t talk about Michael Jackson (someone big) in everyday conversations but he still exists as a “historical” figure of sorts.

  2. I hope the big twist in the end is that after their universe is devoured, they get pulled into the 838 universe following the events of Multiverse of Madness, where a version of their kids who survived have conjured them for revenge and aid in the coming Incursions.

  3. Not sure there was ever going to be another way. Saying they were just never mentioned would’ve dug the MCU even deeper into the negativity that’s out there. This makes the most sense. Fits right in with the Multiverse saga too. I love it !!!

  4. random thought: do you think anyone has ever thought thought about wiping out the avengers in another universe? like when thanos gets the infinity gauntlet but in this case it would be doctor doom getting it ??

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