How the X-Men, Fantastic Four & AVENGERS Meet in Avengers Secret Wars phase 6 MCU

How the X-Men, Fantastic Four & AVENGERS Meet in Avengers Secret Wars phase 6 MCU

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20 thoughts on “How the X-Men, Fantastic Four & AVENGERS Meet in Avengers Secret Wars phase 6 MCU

  1. Last image has two of my favorites. Cap and Logan. Only thing that would makena dream come true is the two of them and Castle together either fighting each other or something else. Sounds like it may happen at some point. Fingers crossed.

  2. I saw a comment from another Fantastic Four Theory video that the Incursion can be caused by The Ultimate Nuliifier. When Reed uses it on Galactus, it dooms the universe to collapse, as Galactus is a Nexus Being and his power causes the world to fold in on itself. It makes a Miracle Man situation function, as Dr. Doom could be responsible for giving Dr. Richards the idea, and Doom harnesses the power as the only one NOT on a Life Raft.

  3. This will be something I would love to see. Fantastic Four and X-Men fighting the Avengers at first until they realized they must team up to save the multiverse, would be epic to see. Can’t wait and love the MCU!!!

  4. I really hoped we’d have our own x men and fantastic four. Woulda loved to of seen a flash back scene with Mr Fantastic, Professor X, and Iron man. BUT BUT, would love to see the fantastic four come in from their future to our past like before iron man

  5. Wait a minute, but we already got hints mutants exist in the mcu? Kamala Khan? Namor? And AND, we see cyclops costume in Ms marvel! And AND, jn she hulk we see the article about a man who has metal claws gets in a bar fight. So how would this work if we already have Wolverine in our universe? Then we’d have mutant doubles unless there’s no Wolverine in that x men universe.

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