20 thoughts on “X-Men: From The Ashes | Official Trailer | Marvel Comics

  1. This is such a disappointment. We are back to the tired trope of being feared and hated? Magnetos team is in Alaska, Rogues team is in Louisiana and Kates team in Chicago. Sure just wipe away all the progress they made as if it never happened. Krakoa should have been a game changer, a complete change to the paradigm but no, another writer wants to make their mark by ruining all that massive potential. Also, Storm has left Arakko and is now trying to join Congress to make changes at the government level????? How could they possibly think this is what the fans want?

  2. You guys forgot one thing in Hickman’s INFERNO. “Karima; The Cyborg Sentinel” came from a timeline that “Mutants Always Win”. So technically, {The Krakoan Empire} is not Dead! It’s just been put away, For Now. All it takes is a ‘Few Writers That Cares’ to bring it Back?!

  3. You know, I was a big X-Men fan back in the day, butthe Krakoan era soured me fiercely.
    They instituted a bald faced Apartheid, did the biggest possible land grab with Mars and gloated on theface of world leaders.
    They dugtheir own gravethistime around. of course normal people would distrust Xavier, Ororo and all the others after all this.

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