“Efficiently Utilizing Farming Chia: TrueNAS Boasts 1.23PB of Dedicated Storage Space – Tom’s Hardware”

“Efficiently Utilizing Farming Chia: TrueNAS Boasts 1.23PB of Dedicated Storage Space – Tom’s Hardware”

Title: “Chia Network Launches TruePool: The Ultimate Solution for Maximizing Chia Farming Profits with Minimal Investment”

Content: “Less than a month ago, Chia Network shook the cryptocurrency world with the introduction of pooling support. And already, TrueNAS, a leader in network attached storage software, has attracted 214 eager farmers to join their TruePool, contributing a massive 1.23PB of space to farm Chia together. But what sets TruePool apart from its competitors is its low operating fee of just 1%, with 25% of that going towards supporting the TrueNAS project.

Pooling gives Chia farmers a competitive edge in winning challenges and earning Chia coins (XCH). With XCH’s low pricing and reduced chances of winning as an individual farmer, pooling has become the go-to option for maximizing profits. However, with the freedom for farmers to choose their pool, TruePool has gained an advantage with its unique offering. And it seems to be working, with an impressive 1.18PB of storage contributed by 210 members, with four more joining overnight.

Despite this rapid growth, the returns for TruePool members may not be as profitable as one might expect. With an estimated six days to win just one XCH, worth $190.44 at the time of writing, each member will only receive around $0.89 a week before the pool’s 1% cut is taken into consideration. But for those looking to support open source projects while still making a profit, TruePool is the perfect solution. Join the TruePool community now and maximize your Chia farming profits with minimal investment!”

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiSWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRvbXNoYXJkd2FyZS5jb20vbmV3cy90cnVlbmFzLWdldHMtaW50by1jaGlhLWZhcm1pbmctdHJ1ZXBvb2zSAQA?oc=5