20 thoughts on “Every Marvel Post-Credits Scene That Hasn't Paid Off Yet (and How They Connect!)

  1. Ugh. I hope this isn’t what happens, because I’m so tired of the stakes getting higher and higher and higher: the world at stake, then the galaxy at stake, then the universe at stake, the multiverse at stake, etc. They think it’s making it more interesting, but it’s actually doing the opposite. Remember that infamous quote: 1 death is a tragedy but a million deaths is a statistic? What we really need is to bring it down into more of a comprehensible story, a more human story, rather than another “everything we have ever known will be destroyed” story, which at this point is just getting tedious.

  2. Feigi should hire you , comicstorian , new rockstars , comics explain , and a bunch of other comicbook youtubers and make something like this happen, it fixes their phase 4 and 5 plot holes, finishes with a phase 6 and even gives them the segway for phase 7 ”the remake” including the mutants, its literally just amazing *insert Magneto meme Perfection* for Kang recast him, show doom ( or galactus their pick) and killing all of the kangs and then either doom takes advantage from it for battle world or they have to come together to defeat galactus, then after that we’ll move from there

  3. What do you think about the Marvel’s Wastelanders podcast? It is set in battleworld. I’m curious if that is a hint this theory is correct. could it connect to the MCU?

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