ReactOS Enhances UEFI Boot, DirectX Compatibility, and NT6+ Support, Solidifying its Position as the Premier Open-Source Alternative to Windows – Phoronix

ReactOS Enhances UEFI Boot, DirectX Compatibility, and NT6+ Support, Solidifying its Position as the Premier Open-Source Alternative to Windows – Phoronix

The Road to Windows Compatibility: Join the Revolution
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Revolutionizing Compatibility: The Latest on ReactOS Development
The ReactOS project has just released their newsletter, highlighting the incredible progress made in recent months. This open-source operating system continues to strive towards full compatibility with Windows drivers and software, providing a free alternative to Microsoft’s operating systems. Despite being 22 years old, ReactOS is still pushing forward and making significant advancements towards their next release, ReactOS 0.4.15.

Exciting Achievements: Latest Updates from the ReactOS Team
With big improvements in kernel debugging, UEFI boot capabilities, and UI/shell enhancements, ReactOS is making leaps and bounds towards its goal. Along with continued work on Microsoft DirectX support and compatibility preparations for NT6+ applications (including Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11), ReactOS is making sure it can handle all of your software needs. While NT6+ compatibility is still considered experimental, ReactOS has already shown progress in booting on the Valve Steam Deck, thanks to ongoing UEFI improvements and hardware compatibility work. And with most development and testing happening within virtual machines, ReactOS is ensuring a seamless experience for all users.

Experience the Future of Operating Systems: ReactOS Newsletter 103
Stay up-to-date with all of the latest developments in the ReactOS world with Newsletter 103. From improved GUI setup processes to even smoother UEFI booting, ReactOS is revolutionizing the compatibility game. Don’t miss out on this exciting journey towards a free and fully compatible alternative to Windows.
