“Can You Trust China with Your Face? Deepin Linux Introduces Facial Recognition – A Deep Dive into the Controversy”

“Can You Trust China with Your Face? Deepin Linux Introduces Facial Recognition – A Deep Dive into the Controversy”

Discover the Beauty of deepin Linux, But is Personal Security at Risk?

deepin is a Linux distribution known for its stunning interface and widespread popularity. Many individuals utilize this operating system daily, but there is one issue that raises some concern — its Chinese origin. While the Chinese people are admirable, their government often oppresses citizens and censors information. As a result, some may question the safety of using Chinese-made software.

Despite this, I have never had any qualms about using deepin Linux, thanks to its strong foundation in open source. However, the latest version (20.5) has introduced a potentially alarming feature — optional facial recognition for accessing your computer. This feature closely resembles Microsoft’s Windows Hello, a feature I personally utilize. Yet, Microsoft is an American company. Can we trust China with our vulnerable facial data?

The deepin 20.5 developers have provided a very brief statement regarding this new feature, simply stating that it supports biometric authentication and can be used to access the system and log in through facial recognition. However, there is no mention of privacy or security measures, leaving users with many unanswered questions and concerns.

As a user, we should expect clear and detailed information regarding any significant updates to the operating system, especially when it involves sensitive user data. Unfortunately, deepin’s announcement fails to address these important details.

But does this mean we cannot trust deepin Linux with our biometric data? The answer varies for each individual, as trust levels are personal. Personally, I am hesitant to use this feature due to the lack of information provided, and will wait for more updates before considering it in the future.

In the end, let’s discover the beauty of deepin Linux, but remember to prioritize our personal security when it comes to sensitive information like our facial images.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiRmh0dHBzOi8vYmV0YW5ld3MuY29tLzIwMjIvMDQvMDEvZmFjaWFsLXJlY29nbml0aW9uLWRlZXBpbi1saW51eC1jaGluYS_SAQA?oc=5