“Discover the Power of Kali Linux | New York Tech Events at New York Institute of Technology”

“Discover the Power of Kali Linux | New York Tech Events at New York Institute of Technology”

“Unleash Your Cybersecurity Skills with Kali Linux: A Must-Attend Event by New York Tech”

Delve into the world of cybersecurity and network analysis with Kali Linux, the leading Linux distribution for professionals in the field. Join us for an exclusive virtual lecture hosted by ETIC, New York Tech’s renowned business incubator, on April 11 at 1 PM. Get a hands-on experience with Kali Linux’s unique features, learn network mapping, packet capture and analysis, and penetration testing. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and explore new career paths. Register now and join us live or access the recorded session on our ETIC YouTube channel.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiQmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm55aXQuZWR1L2V2ZW50cy9pbnRyb2R1Y3Rpb25fdG9fa2FsaV9saW51eF9TcHJpbmdfMjAyNNIBAA?oc=5