Salix Xfce 14.2 Now in Beta, Will Be Based on Slackware Linux 14.2 and Xfce 4.12 – Softpedia News

The Salix Xfce 14.2 GNU/Linux operating system is in development, and it looks like a public Beta version has just been released into the wild, allowing the community to see what’s coming in the Slackware-based OS.

Salix Xfce 14.2 Beta 1 arrives on June 15, 2016, three months after the Alpha milestone, bringing many enhancements and new features, among which we can mention an improved boot menu that lets users choose in which language to install Salix, and a boot prompt is no longer available on the ISO image.

“So you can now install Salix, not only in English, but using your own language as well,” reads the announcement. “Most of the translations are only partially complete at this point, but you can help with the translation effort so that everything will be complete by the time we finally release 14.2.”

Also, it appears that syslinux is now used for boot menus on computers with Legacy BIOS, and ELILO replaces GRUB as the default bootloader for the 64-bit ISO image, which users should employ when installing Salix on their moder machines. The 32-bit ISO image supports both i686 PAE and i586 non-PAE platforms.

Now using the latest Xfce 4.12 desktop environment

Another interesting feature implemented in this first Beta release of Salix Xfce 14.2 is the latest and most advanced Xfce 4.12 desktop environment, which has been tweaked with a new default background, updated artwork, as well as Adwaita as the default widget theme.

The beautiful and lightweight Xfce 4.12 desktop is accompanied by various popular open-source applications and technologies, such as the Mozilla Firefox web browser, NetworkManager network connection manager, PulseAudio sound server, LibreOffice office suite, GIMP image editor, Claws-Mail email client, and Parole media player.

The Viewnior image viewer, Transmission BitTorrent client, and Zim text editor are also installed by default. Of course, all the apps have been updated to their latest versions available at the moment of the release, and the Salix System Tools collection of system utilities is included as well.

Salix Xfce 14.2 will be released in its final, production-ready form in the coming months, and it promises to also introduce a revamped installer. You can download Salix Xfce 14.2 Beta right now via our website, but please try to keep in mind that this is still a pre-release version, and known issues are always present.